Thursday, May 2, 2013

Been there, done that.

As I mentioned before, I've been overweight my entire life. Growing up I would ask my mom why I was "chubby" she would always tell me she was the same way until she hit her teens. So I just waited until I was a teenager amd guess what happened? I became a chubby teenager.

As a teen I expressed my concerns to my mom. I really hoped she could help me. What she did was expose me to the world of fad dieting. The first "diet" I was on was "La Dieta de la Luna", the moon diet. I don't remeber the details but you fast for a period of time then you can start eating again on some phase of the moon, full moon, new moon...some moon. Of course I was starving by the time came to eat and I ate everything in sight once the fast was lifted. I'm not sure how many times we did this but I didn't lose a pound.

As an older teen I discovered Herbal Life...oh dear lord. I had a shake for breakfast, food for lunch and a shake for dinner. Being the only one on a diet made this ubber hard with my moms cooking for the rest of the family. With the cost being high and all the great food around me and really no other support I eventually gave up.

While attending the community college a group of friends and I decided we would support each other in our weight loss goals. We got memberships at the local "Y" and after a week of 5am workouts before class..we gave up. There were just too many naked elderly women in the locker room, not enough privacy in the showers and the gym smelled horrible. At some point one of them got a few Tai-Bo DVDs and there you had us in my friends basement punching and kicking in rhythm. That didn't last very long either. Boyfriends and schedules got in the way.

In between somewhere I also tried the Atkins diet and the South Beach diet. Someone at some point must have raved about the results and I had to try them.

A few years later I attended a state University. There, I met new people with different lifestyles. Soon I was playing racket ball, learning to roller blade, and started weight lifting with the boys. It was fun, for a while. It lasted until finals or vacation hit then schedules got in the way once more and it was over.

After college and getting married, I decided to join Weight Watchers. I did the online only version for some time. I did well for a few months then having to track everything got to me and for at least a month I was paying for a service I was not using.

At some point my dad heard about some weight loss program that involved diet change and pressure points. By this time my mom had already taken me to do pressure points years ago but that didn't involve diet change so this must be different, and so he and I signed up. I lost weight but I couldn't handle eating just vegetables and protein. It was ok going to get checked in every week during the summer but then school started and it got "complicated".

Soon after that I was pregnant with my son. After his birth my sister-in-law and I signed up for WW, this time I attended weekly meetings. I figured maybe I needed the support system to help get going. I did lose weight but I think that was more attributed to the fact that I was nursing more than anything. I wish I had been more disciplined then, maybe things would be different now...maybe not. She and I lost motivation and we both quit.

Within the last 7 years I have gone back and forth to WW 5 times. As you can see I've just about it all. At some point I realized, it's not's me. There is something about me that just does not want to follow through. It's not lack of desire or motivation. I'm motivated and I desire it. It's not lack of education. I know what I should and shouldn't eat and that I should exercise. As a matter of fact I think I eat pretty healthy, I don't eat junk food, I don't drink juice or soda pop. I stay away from most carbs, they don't seem to like me very much. I don't keep the house stocked with cookies and ice cream. I know there are things I can improve on but overall I think I'm in a better place than many people, yet I'm twice the weight I should be.

In any case, this time has to be just has to be.