Thursday, May 23, 2013

Holy bananas Batman!

This is my fifth week working out and since I started I've have this burning feeling in my quads. Not the "normal" sore feeling you get after a heavy duty workout. No, this is a totally different feeling. I wonder if this is what people refer to when they say "feel the burn!" I always thought they meant it philosophically like feeeeel the calories burning away but not literally feel the burning pain in your thighs.

I watched a show called "I used to be fat". It was really interesting to watch people struggling with their weight and getting beat down by a trainer to reach a goal in a set amount of time. Some fight it like hell others totally jump into it. The point is that in one episode the trainer told the girl he was practically killing with exercise to eat a banana before and after her workout. So I started doing just that, with the intention of adding some calories to my diet so I won't net under 1200. I bought a ridiculous amount of bananas and started eating one 30 minutes before my workout and one right afterwards. Will you believe the burn has totally down sized? I mean I still feel it but it's not as intense as it was. I wonder if the longer I eat bananas daily for workouts if the better it will get?

I did some research and the burning feeling is due to lactic acid building up in my muscles. According to different sites it goes away on it's own after a few hours. In my case it doesn't ever go away so I'm not sure what the deal is. I've been eating two bananas a day for the past week and half now and this morning I woke up with almost 0 burning pain in my thighs/quads. I am officially a believer in bananas.